Thursday, May 10, 2012

I Went To The Zoo!

Hey all, 

I am a big animal lover, some may even call me a crazy cat lady! So when the boyfriend and I decided to go to the zoo, I was the happiest little thing around! For reasons unknown to me, I hadn't been to the zoo since I was a child; and it's safe to say that I was bouncier than most the actual children there. 

The boyfriend packed bouncing me into the front seat and we head off to Australia Zoo. We ended up seeing all of the animals there, and I took a lot of pictures - so I thought that I would share some! 

Warning: The following pictures contain adorable creatures. 

They sleep together in a little bundle - how adorable! 
Time for noms!

I have recently developed an obsession with otters, so seeing these little guys was an absolute treat! 
Felt so soft! A lot softer than expected! 

They sleep 18-20 hours a day, so I was happy I caught one awake - haha! 

These little hoppers were so friendly! 

The Red Panda's were absolutely gorgeous, and so playful! 

The gorgeous elephant girls were such a treat to see! And I got to feed one a couple of pieces of fruit as well! 

Now, all hail the tiger queen! 

Absolutely regal!  
Aren't her marking beautiful?!

We took a walk to the new Africa area, which is currently in Stage 1 or 3 of opening! 

It was such a wonderful day, and the best thing for me was seeing that the keeper and zoo care so much about the health, safety and happiness of the animals. It is all about them after all! 

Have you been to the zoo recently? Which one is your fave? 

Hope you all have a great night! xx

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